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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day Eleven. 

Okay, I guess I forgot to post yesterday.  Oops. 
Yesterday was a mild success.  At least I made my quota, pecking out 1710 words.

Today I managed a healthy  2134.  The plot is moving along.  My total word count is currently 23569 words.  My main character thought he had a bold plan, he thought he had it all worked out.  He was balking at skeptics.  But he became his own worst skeptic, and that looming prophecy he encountered earlier has come back to haunt him and make him doubt his own plans even more.  So what?  New plans.  Maybe. 

I was so tired yesterday I just leaned back in the recliner and zonked right out.  I woke up later to find FIVE CATS all cuddled, splayed, draped and whatnot all over my body.  A veritable cat blanket. 

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