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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Day 8.

Okay, one week in and I am at about 36% of 50,000 words ... that equates to 18009 words as of my writing session this morning.   I was way over my personal goal of 2000 words, hitting over 2800 today.  I've added a few more minor characters but I am lagging behind on the action.  Still, I had a good flashback today, further establishing a plot element central to my main character.  Okay, it was a full-fledged digression but it was some fun writing. 
With cooler weather, the house is cooler in the morning.  That means I have to contend with cats wanting to snuggle with me as I sit and write.   My most comfortable writing is in an easy chair in my living room, when I'm using my laptop.  There is not much room for both the laptop and one, two, or sometimes more cats.  It was a struggle this morning with both Dobie and Cookie trying to nudge the laptop out of the way.  Finally Cookie got on the back of the chair and Dobie allowed himself to be skootched to the side, sort of wedging himself between me and the arm of the chair. 

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